The July meeting is Thursday, July 11th  at Quarry Hill Nature Center, Savanna Room.  The NewBees session is from 6:30-7:00 pm


At 7:00 Zack Bateson will join us on Zoom from Fargo, North Dakota.   Zach, Research Manager at the National Agricultural Genotyping Center (NAGC), helps drive diagnostic innovation for the beekeeping industry.  He and his team continue to expand NAGC's diagnostic menu for beekeeping, introducing new pathogen and genotyping tests for pest surveillance and genetic research.  They perform routine testing for state apiary inspectors and beekeepers, while collaborating with private and public institutions on pathogen and mite research.  He envisions NAGC as a central hub, capable of testing thousands of bee samples monthly and serving as a facility for academics to make new tests more accessible to beekeepers.  His talk is titled Allied Research and Honeybee Testing Support: Strengthening Pest Detection Together

 Zach will discuss NAGC's diagnostic technology, summarize the pathogens found in nationwide bee samples tested in 2023, provide results on NAGC's projects that compare commercial and hobby beekeeper samples and describe upcoming surveillance projects.  

Following Zack, you will get a  sneak preview at the new Library on the SEMBA website!  You'll get a glimpse of what's inside, learn how to use it, and how it can benefit you. We would like your help in reviewing the content, looking for any errors or discrepancies and reporting them to us.  Your feedback is extremely important.   Plus, learn how you can add your articles to SEMBA's new online library.  



Monthly Meetings for 2024


Feb 8: Mastering the Maple Syrup Process  -  with Steven Cook

                  Woodenware, tools, and bees - with Ted from B&B Honey Farm in Houston, MN

Mar  14: Prairie Restoration - a TED talk by Chris Schad

Planting for Residential Pollinator Habitats - Erin Loeffler from the MN Board of Water & Soil, Duluth

Apr 11: Understanding and managing Swarms & Splits, plus Capturing Swarms

May 9: Diseases and Pests - with Katie Lee from the U of M, Bee Lab

Jun 13: Historical Beekeeping - with Larry Hofmann, Hofmann Apiaries in Janesville, MN    

Jul 11: Research findings from testing hives of hobbyists & commercial apiaries, plus the monitoring of viruses & parasites.

Dr. Zach Bateson, Research Manager at the National Ag Genotyping Center, Fargo, ND .  He will present via Zoom.

Plus a preview of SEMBA's new online Library

Aug 8: Winter Survival - with Adrian Quiney

Sep 12: Products of the Hive -  Mead Making with James White, Candle Making with Dave Carlon

Oct 10: Cooking with Honey - with Aaron Skoglund, Executive Chef at the Country Club ... and  a SEMBA member

Oct 24: Join us for a special presentation by Patrick Molle, a professional beekeeper from France 

Nov 14: Pizza Party - Nia Ripka, chair